Fip : assistance and support for each type of door
Fixing the doors of your home, especially in cases of not so serious problems, is certainly a feasible operation. A little patience, dexterity and time are enough.
Despite this, sometimes it could still be complicated to carry out the maintenance of your windows. For any doubt or request for assistance, do not hesitate to contact the experts of Porte Italiane. You can send your request via WhatsApp, to the email address, or to the telephone numbers 0941 901172 and 0941 912335.
How to understand if your doors are efficient
Understanding whether a port is still efficient or not is not that complex. In fact, there are several signs that can lead to a rather certain conclusion. These are the most obvious:
Age: the age of a fixture is an indicator that may not be very precise, but certainly one to take into account. The calculation is easy: the older a door is, the more likely it is to be less efficient for a whole series of reasons. The deformation of the door or frame, for example, can lead to the presence of drafts, and therefore to a drop in thermal insulation;
Lack of insulation: an installation carried out incorrectly or incompletely can lead to an incorrect passage of air even in the case of newly purchased doors;
Increased spending on heating: if you realize that your electricity or gas bill is increasing, and above all if you feel the need to use the heating more and more, this is a possible sign that the shielding capacity of the door is in net decline.
Once you have ascertained that your door needs to be replaced, how can you choose a truly efficient alternative?
How is it possible to choose an efficient front door?
The majority of doors on the market today are manufactured in such a way as to offer rather high thermal insulation profiles. The lower presence of drafts decreases the need to use heating. This leads to energy and cost savings.
Having said that, to choose a truly efficient door it is possible to follow some strategies. If you plan to buy a door with glass inserts, it would be good to choose one with double glazing. These have a greater shielding action, and are more resistant to bad weather and break-in attempts.
Secondly, the thermal transmittance parameter is certainly to be taken into consideration. This is normally supplied by the manufacturers, and indicates the resistance that the door opposes to the escape of heat towards the outside.
How do you save money with home doors?
Efficient doors, as anticipated, retain heat more, and therefore allow less energy to be wasted. It is a long-term investment, which can also lead to an increase in the value of the property, in the event of a future sale.
Furthermore, by using less heating, there is a lower energy impact, and this allows for a smaller footprint on the environment.
In addition to internal doors, obviously, there are other ways to try to obtain a more efficient home. By investing in modern windows and external doors, such as this pantographed armored entrance door for example, you help to increase the shielding action even further.
Porte Italiane helps you save money with efficient and modern doors
The Porte Italiane catalog includes efficient fixtures and particularly suitable for increasing the energy efficiency of a home. There are various options available, and they allow you to enhance any type of domestic and commercial environment.
To get more information, please use our support service via WhatsApp. Or call 0941 901172 and 0941 912335. Our experts will be able to answer your doubts about the purchase of internal and external doors, home automation for hotels and accessories.
How efficient are your interior doors at home?