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REI 120 doors: why they are so safe (and 3 reasons to buy them).

Porte REI 120: perché sono così sicure (e 3 motivi per acquistarle).

REI 120 doors: why they are so safe (and 3 reasons to buy them)

To guarantee the safety of hotels and offices, it is necessary to be able to count on structures capable of dealing with all possible emergencies. REI 120 doors, in this regard, are able to contrast flames and harmful fumes. All without sacrificing aesthetic pleasure. The doors rei decidedly low prices.

Elements of this type therefore lend themselves well to being used in environments where a high influx of people is expected, such as accommodation facilities, hotels or theatres. The strengths of these doors are presented below, as well as three reasons that should push one to buy them, doors rei, price, quality and aesthetics.

Porte per hotel

How are REI 120 doors made? Why are they so safe?

REI 120 fire doors feature the typical elements of a traditional door: leaf, frame, hinges and lock. To these are added peculiar elements such as the panic bar, necessary for opening and closing. Functionality is one of the typical characteristics of fire doors. Their movement mechanism, on the other hand, provides for automatic closure. This prevents the spread of fire in the event of dangerous situations.

The door is made of galvanized steel sheet with internal reinforcements. All this is synonymous with resistance to the most extreme conditions. The abbreviation REI 120, in fact, identifies in 120 minutes the period of exposure to flames that the door can withstand before suffering structural damage.

The frame is made of hot-dip galvanized steel sheet with thermo-expanding gaskets. The latter prevent smoke and flames from spreading through the ends of the leaf. The lock is reversible, with latch and central deadbolt, while the anti-panic handle is in anodized aluminium. The use of these materials allows optimal use even in dangerous conditions.

porte rei

Fire doors increase safety

By installing a REI 120 door, the security of offices, hotels and shops increases significantly. Without considering that, by now, the installation of firebreak solutions is mandatory for businesses with a high number of visitors. Although the obligation to install REI 120 doors does not extend to any structure, it is also fair to say that by choosing such a solution it is possible to increase the fire resistance of the rooms.

The absence of fire doors, in addition to being against the law, places people and buildings in a situation of possible danger. The installation of this type of solution prevents not only the dangers associated with the spread of flames, but also those associated with the diffusion of noxious fumes.

porte rei 60 per hotel

Fire doors are durable and reliable

Toxic fumes are the most pressing danger during a fire. This is explained by Fabio Cibella, pulmonologist at the "Alberto Monroy" Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology in Palermo, explained in an interview with Meteoweb in-these-cases-smoking-kills-before-flames/917676/). In the article you can read that smoking can quickly lead to death by suffocation or intoxication.

Per i soccorsi, avere a disposizione più tempo per poter raggiungere le camere interessate da un incendio può fare la differenza tra un intervento riuscito e uno più complesso. Le porte REI 120 assolvono proprio a questo compito, grazie alla resistenza all’esposizione quantificabile in circa due ore.

Durata e affidabilità, pertanto, costituiscono due elementi portanti delle porte antifuoco. L’utilizzo di acciaio inossidabile e altri materiali resistenti al calore dà modo di ottenere una reazione prevedibile in occasione degli incendi, risultando spesso fondamentali.

porte rei per hotel

Le porte REI 120 prezzi o anche le porte rei 60 sono veri elementi d’arredo e sopratutto le porte rei in pronta consegna!

L’aver illustrato nel dettaglio le caratteristiche tecniche più importanti delle porte per hotel tagliafuoco potrebbe far pensare che il loro aspetto estetico sia un particolare secondario. Non è così: le porte REI 120 di Porte Italiane sono disponibili anche in versione rivestita, pensate per avere l’aspetto di una tipica porta interna, con tutti i vantaggi del caso.

Il tipico meccanismo di chiusura automatica delle porte antifuoco, inoltre, elimina i possibili problemi di ingombro delle porte a battente; un punto di forza, questo, che accomuna tali soluzioni alle porte scorrevoli

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